Monday, February 16, 2009

dancing antennas

Session two friday the 13th cosmology class highlights.


© Susun S. Weed

The symbol of the Wise Woman tradition is a spiral.A spiral is a cycle as it moves through time.A spiral is movement around and beyond a circle,always returning to itself,but never at exactly the same place.Spirals never repeat themselves.The symbol of the Wise Woman tradition is the spiral.The spiral is the bubbling cauldron.The spiral is the curl of the wave.The spiral is the lift of the wind.The spiral is the whirlpool of water.The spiral is the umbilical cord.The spiral is the great serpent.The spiral is the path of the earth.The spiral is the twist of the helix.The spiral is the spin of our galaxy.The spiral is the soft guts.The spiral is the labyrinth.The spiral is the womb-moon-tide mobius pull.The spiral is your individual life.The spiral is the passage between worlds:birth passing into deathpassing into birth.The path of enlightenment is the spiral dance of bliss.The symbol of the Wise Woman Tradition is a spiral.Twelve is the number of established order.One step beyond is thirteen, the wild card,the indivisible prime, the number of change.Walk a spiral,you will inevitably come to the unique next step,the unknown, the thirteenth step,the opportunity for change,the window of transformation.The thirteenth step creates the spiral.Twelve is the number of established order. Twelve is easily divided and ordered into halves and quarters and thirds, easily categorized and labeled and defined. One step beyond the mutable tweleve is thirteen, the wild card, the unique number, the indivisible prime. Thirteen the number of change.

Brian Swimme The Hidden Heart of The Cosmos chapter 8 and 9

Einstein's Revelation November 22, 1914

" One find's one's destiny on the path one takes to avoid it "- C.G. Jung

Thursday, February 12, 2009

my inner knowing

on being a bear in the spring of 09

- stop doing and start being. retreat with bravery
-look inside for the answers
-own your dreams
-balance play w/seriousness
-connect to nature
-make decisions from a position of power

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


bike, rain, sun, dance